A Guide To Healing
Max Heindel
Augusta Foss Heindel
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Female, born January 6th, 1911, 8:20 P.M.
We have here the horoscope of a young girl
who has the common sign of Virgo on the Ascendant, with the sun in the fifth
house in Capricorn. We are told in The Message
of the Stars, page 544, that the
sun rules the vital fluid which is drawn into the body through the spleen and
how this life-giving fluid feeds the entire organism. The sun is afflicted in
this case by an opposition of Neptune, which is placed in the sign of Cancer.
Cancer has rule over the stomach. The sun is also afflicted by a parallel of
Mars and Uranus. We here may see that the gateway of the body through which the
solar force must needs enter in order to make it possible for the vital body to
restore what the desire body destroys, has not worked normally even from birth.
When the sun is afflicted by the spasmodic Uranus, the cramping effect of
Neptune, and the inflammatory conditions of the fiery Mars, we may expect that
at some time during the life of the native, when nature's laws have been broken
and when the progressed planets start the afflictions into action, there will be
In the beginning of the year 1923 the
progressed moon was passing through the sign of Virgo and made a square to the
radical Mars in Sagittarius. This disturbed the metabolism of the digestive
tract, which on account of the resulting inflammation was unable to furnish the
blood with the proper amount of mineral salts. This combined with the disturbed
solar force caused by an afflicted sun deprived the bones and the muscles of

Birth Chart No. 13G
nourishment. In January 1923 the new moon fell in
conjunction with the radical Venus, Uranus, and Mercury, square to Saturn, and
opposition to Neptune. This excited the latent condition caused by Neptune in
Cancer, the sun, Uranus, Venus, and Mercury in Capricorn, and the malefic Saturn
in Aries making a square to the last three planets. Added to all these
afflictions Mars radical is parallel to Uranus, Neptune, Venus and the sun. Do
we wonder that this young girl was afflicted with the dread disease of rickets,
which is a malady in which the bones are lacking in mineral matter, and with
tetany, which is a disease causing a nervous contraction of the muscles of the
Had the parents known the tendencies in this
horoscope when the child was quite young and carefully chosen her food so that
she would have received the greatest possible amount of nourishment from the
smallest possible amount of it, avoiding the excessive use of sugar, starches,
and proteins, and had they used more of nature's pure, green vegetables, they
might have helped her to build better bones and muscles. Unfortunately many of
our northern countries do not have the pure green food all the year round such
as we have here in sunny California, where it may be found in abundance twelve
months in the year.
In prescribing a diet for the patient
suffering from the above malady we would eliminate all heavy proteins, giving
her plenty of pure fresh goat's milk, carrots, lettuce, onions, and spinach,
adding a very small amount of entire wheat bread each day to give bulk. Let her
lie in the sunshine as much as possible; especially should the sun shine upon
the spine. Give her friction rubs, which will stimulate the circulation.
In order to illustrate to the
student why the same disease will leave different after-effects we will use two
horoscopes. These two charts prove the claim which we have always made that
there is no more perfect way of diagnosing the disease of a patient, nothing
more reliable, than astro-diagnosis.
Both patients have called upon the Invisible
Helpers for healing, and both have been sufferers from that dread disease which
has taken so many lives all over the world and has claimed more victims than did
the world war, the disease which the doctors call influenza, or for short, the
NO. 14A
Male, born June 3rd, 1855, 2:00 A.M.
Here we have the ambitious, fiery sign of
Aries on the Ascendant, with the sun in the restless, nervous sign of Gemini in
the house of finances, in conjunction with the persevering, tactful, thrifty,
grasping Saturn. The ruler of the horoscope, Mars, is in the last degrees of
Taurus, square to Jupiter. Jupiter has great love for finance. He likes it and
therefore can

Birth Chart No. 14A
do great things with it. He is large and benevolent in
all his ways. We find that this man had a great desire for wealth, and after
having had influenza he put such a strain upon his physical body in order to
gain wealth that he brought about a nervous condition from which he is now
suffering. He has the restless moon in the Midheaven trine to the irresponsible
and inventive Uranus, giving a great desire for speculation and to engage in
get-rich-quick schemes. But Neptune, the planet dealing with large corporations
and speculation, is square to the sun and Saturn in the 2nd house, showing that
he has always been speculating with large corporations and always losing.
Venus in Cancer in the 4th house in
opposition to the moon in the Midheaven gives an extravagant, frivolous,
slothful, and dissolute condition in the home, indicating that money is wasted
and used very foolishly, giving the native even greater desire to make money. He
sacrificed his vitality for the almighty dollar. Being a telegraph operator, he
used the brain and the fingers tips to excess, which caused inadequate nutrition
of the nervous system. The result was a complete nervous breakdown.
NO. 14B
Male, born April 15, 1865, 8:22 A.M.
With the nervous sign Gemini rising and the
restless, unconventional Uranus on the Ascendant in opposition to Jupiter, ruler
of the arterial blood, this man was an easy prey to pneumonia, as the
capillaries of the lungs were contracted, which made oxygenation spasmodic.
The sun, the life giver, we find in the 11th
house in Aries, in opposition to the retrograde Saturn in Libra. Saturn is in
his exaltation in Libra and very powerful. We would ordinarily look for the
greatest trouble in the corresponding part of the body. This man would some time
have suffered with renal disorder as the body was very sluggish and charged with
impurities and the kidneys had not been eliminating properly for a number of
years. He has always been a hearty enter. With Mars in Cancer square to Neptune,
he has been very immoderate and abnormal in the indulgence of his appetite, also
too fond of liquids.
The planets frequently work in opposites. In
this case we find that the sign Aries is the seat of the principal trouble. This
man was paralyzed after the effects of pneumonia were overcome.
We can see the difference between these two
men. 14A is more able to overcome disease, having the fiery, ambitious sign of
Aries on the Ascendant. He has better circulation for he has Mercury and Jupiter
trine. 14B has the restless, emotional Uranus in Gemini on the Ascendant badly
afflicted, and it is very difficult for him to remain quiet and calm; his
emotions constantly carry him to excesses and extremes. Both should be put

Birth Chart No. 14B
on a strict diet, for they have indulged too freely in
the good things of the table. It should consist principally of vegetables,
including raw onions, parsley, and celery.
14A is suffering from a complete nervous
breakdown, while 14B is paralyzed.
A pair of most interestingly
similar charts, both in aspects and symptoms, will now be considered. We will
first take figure No. 14C, that of a boy born November 25, 1899, 0:30 A.M.
We find the vacillating and negative moon in
the 12th house near the Ascendant, as the ruler of the horoscope. This planet is
square to the sun and Uranus. These last two planets are in conjunction in
Sagittarius, the sign which has rule over the hips, the sacral region of the
spine, and the coccygeal region. Sagittarius also has rule over the iliac
arteries and veins, sciatic nerves, and locomotor muscles in hips and thighs. We
also find Mars in this sign of the hips, in conjunction with Venus, Mercury, and
Saturn. Venus rules the venous blood, and wherever this planet is placed and
afflicted, the circulation in that part of the body is impeded. Mars burns up
while Saturn restricts, contracts, and dries up. So we find that the circulation
is interfered with by these two afflicting planets, and as Mercury rules the
nerves we might expect that this boy would suffer from restrictions in the
region of the hips. Neptune, the higher octave of Mercury, works upon the
nervous system and rules the spinal canal. In this horoscope Neptune is placed
in the 10th house in an angle where his power is greater than when placed in a
cadent or succedent house. We also find him in the sign of Mercury (Gemini)
which rules the upper spinal nerves. As Neptune is in opposition to Venus,
Mercury, and Saturn, and parallel with Saturn, Mars, and Uranus, through this
planet which has so many aspects and the greater number of them afflictions, we
can locate the seat of the

Birth Chart No. 14C
trouble--obstruction in the nervous system and spinal
This boy has never been able to walk without
staggering like a drunken man. Gemini being the sign of speech, and Mercury the
planet ruling speech, Neptune in Gemini has prevented his from learning to use
the faculty of speech. With the moon, the life ruler, afflicted in Virgo (the
moon having rule over the white fluids of the body, and Mercury, the small
intestine), it will be doubtful whether this young man can overcome these
afflictions, for a negative sign is rising and the afflictions from angles are
stronger than the will of the patient.
NO. 14D
The second figure, that of a young man born
March 17, 1900, 1:00 A.M., has the energetic sign of Sagittarius on the
Ascendant with Jupiter, the life ruler, in its own sign in the 12th house, in
conjunction with the nervous and erratic Uranus, which is co-ruler of the
horoscope. These two planets are also in conjunction with the Dragon's Head with
is of a Jupiterian nature. They are afflicted by a square of Mars, from the sign
Pisces, also a parallel of Neptune and Saturn. With these afflictions of Jupiter
ruling the arterial blood, in the two Jupiterian signs, Sagittarius (hips) and
Pisces (the feet), what may we expect but that the arterial blood would be
obstructed in the limbs? As the action of Uranus is spasmodic, it shows that at
certain times only does this young man suffer with cramping of the motor nerves.
But we find Saturn, the planet of obstruction, strong in its own sign of
Capricorn, ruling the knees, afflicted by the square of the moon from near the
Midheaven, also by the square of Mercury in Aries. As the joints of the body are
largely ruled by the sign Capricorn, especially when Saturn is placed in this
sign and afflicted, we may expect a lack of power in and control of the lower
part of the body.

Birth Chart No. 14D
We find Neptune, the planet ruling the
spinal canal and the spinal spirit fire, square to the life-giving sun. This
aspect acts upon the body as a disconnected wire would upon a telephone; there
would be no response. The vital fluids cannot flow freely through the spinal
column; and the upper and lower part of the body may be likened to two
disconnected wires. This boy, like the first one, could not walk without the
support of crutches; but this affliction was very slight until he reached the
age of seven years when the progressed moon reached the conjunction of the
radical Saturn; then he lost entire control of his limbs.
We are told in Galatians, 6th chapter, 7th
verse, that whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. The question might
be asked, "How could these poor young men he held responsible for something
that came upon them as babes?" We are told that this life is not all, that
we have lived many lives, and that we are born to parent with whom we have made
ties in previous lives. They are the instruments through which we are to receive
our lessons. As we look into the lives of these poor souls we see this
exemplified. They have been attracted to parents who could give them certain
bodies, the archetype of which they themselves were the builders. We note in
Horoscope No. 14C that Neptune is in the 10th house, opposition Saturn, Venus,
and Mercury in the 4th house, indicating lewdness and drunkenness of both
parents; while in No. 14D the moon is afflicted in the 9th house by an
opposition of Mercury, and Saturn in square to both Mercury and moon, indicating
a drunken father and a nervous and neurasthenic mother.
May the poor boys born into these miserably
afflicted bodies learn their lessons, as afflictions are to the soul what fire
is to gold--a refiner. Surely the experiences in this life will bring them much
purification and soul growth.
This horoscope has the positive,
vital, and fixed sign of Leo on the Ascendant, with the ruler, the sun, in the
fifth house in Sagittarius. The moon and Saturn are very strong in their own
home signs. Saturn, the planet of obstruction, is in Capricorn in the sixth
house, the house of sickness. We usually look to such a planet and its position
for the key to the trouble. Saturn is square to the retrograde planet Neptune,
which is in conjunction with the Midheaven and in the impulsive sign of Aries.
Neptune is the higher octave of Mercury; it is in the ninth house, ruling the
higher mind. In such a case we may expect to find brain storms or some abnormal
mental trouble.
The moon is in its own sign, Cancer, square
to Jupiter. Therefore the native can expect little help from the moon, and so we
must look to the planet Mercury to see if the mind is to receive assistance to
overcome the square of Neptune to Saturn. Mercury is retrograde, which makes its
influence latent, and in the sign of its fall, the common and negative sign of
Sagittarius. Mercury, however, while weak by sign and retrograde, is helped by a
sextile of Jupiter and by one of Saturn. This will save the native from
Uranus, the planet of impulse, is retrograde
and in the impulsive sign of Leo, in conjunction with the Ascendant and in
opposition to the fiery Mars. Mars and Uranus are in angles, the first and
seventh houses, and have a tendency to cause spells of temper and spasmodic
emotions. This causes irregularity of the action of the heart.

Birth Chart No. 14E
Neptune in Aries square to Saturn causes the
mind to become very selfish, and from childhood this native has demanded that
others grant her every wish. She would throw herself into a spasm in order to
get what she wanted from her parents. This habit grew upon her, and when she
reached the age of menopause, she had no control whatever over her emotions. The
doctors diagnosed her case as exaggerated hysteria.
As the progressed sun neared the conjunction
with the radical Mars and the opposition to the radical Uranus, heart trouble
developed as a result of the strain which she had put upon her body all through
life by these selfish spells. With Neptune in Aries, square to Saturn, she is
lacking in mental control and allows the emotional Uranus and Mars to entirely
rule her life.
Here is a case where the parents were much
to blame by permitting her as a child to have her own way. If they had
controlled her in these spells in the beginning, even though it had necessitated
severe methods and caused the clashing of wills, it would have helped her to get
mastery over the emotions. But as it is they permitted her to have her way,
which has caused her untold suffering and may bring a fatal ending.
This is a case in which the patient
precipitated her trouble through violent actions. There is no reason whatever
for poor health with only three afflictions, namely, Saturn square Neptune and
the Midheaven, Uranus in conjunction with the Ascendant and in opposition to
Mars, and Jupiter square the moon; while there are 15 good aspects in the
horoscope, including the parallels and the sextile of the sun to Mars, and fixed
and cardinal signs are on the angles. It may well be said that this woman is
digging her own grave. Think of the archetype which she is laying the foundation
for to be used in her next embodiment! Can it be wondered at that some souls are
born with chronic and incurable diseases?
In this horoscope we have the
common sign of Virgo on the Ascendant, common signs on the four angles, and the
afflicting planets are posited in the common signs. As a rule planetary
afflictions from these weaker signs are more easily overcome than from cardinal
or fixed signs, but when the patient also has common signs on the four angles he
will not make the effort necessary to overcome planetary conditions.
We find the sun in the martial and impulsive
sign of Aries, sextile to Uranus. This latter planet is strong in its own sign
of Aquarius. The moon is in the restless sign of Sagittarius, and the ruler of
the Ascendant, Mercury, is in conjunction with the fiery and impulsive Mars. The
positions of these various planets will give this child a most impulsive,
restless, and ambitious nature, one which will keep her on the go constantly,
and whatever she does will be done in a quick and impulsive manner. A lack of
self-control is shown. She will eat hurriedly, failing to give proper

Birth Chart No. 14F
attention to the mastication of her food. This hurry and
impulse will have a bad effect, for Mercury ruling the nervous system,
conjunction Mars and square to the moon and the destructive Saturn, will cause
the nervous organization to become deranged each time that the native gives way
to great excitement, anger, excesses in eating, or anything which might produce
a strain on the nerves.
The moon has rule over the esophagus and
stomach, and Saturn, which is posited strongly in the Midheaven, has rule over
the pneumogastric nerve. Saturn is in opposition to the moon, hence we may
expect trouble from the branches of pneumogastric or vagus nerve. The two
divisions of this great nerve, the esophageal and the gastric branches, are
obstructed in their functions by Saturn, and this interferes with peristaltic
action. The sluggish action of the esophagus and the cardiac orifice cause the
good to move too slowly through this tube before it reaches the stomach, and
then it remains too long a time in the stomach before it is digested, for Saturn
causes a sluggish condition of these organs. This may result in great distress.
This girl suffered intensely with stomach
trouble once every six or eight days, the time varying. These spells may be
traced to the effect of the transiting moon as it passed through the common
signs, forming the conjunction, opposition, or square of the planets in these
signs. The moon transiting over its radical place in Sagittarius, over Mercury,
Jupiter, and Mars in Pisces, and over Saturn in Gemini will bring these
afflicted periods once a week.
The parents consulted a number of doctors,
each one giving a different diagnosis. One physician was positive of cancer and
wanted to operate. Between these spells of stomach trouble the girl seemed to be
in fairly good health.
In a case of this kind undue excitement and
all excesses should be avoided, at the time of the moon's transits over the
afflicted planets. Caution in the choice of food should be exercised. All coarse
foods which are hard to digest should be avoided, and everything that is eaten
should be well masticated before it enters the esophageal tube.
Male, born November 11, 1886, 6:36 A.M.
Sagittarius 24-24 is on the
Ascendant in the present instance and the inflammatory and destructive Mars, the
planet of impulse, is on the cusp of the Ascendant in the pleasure-loving and
heedless sign of Sagittarius. This man was specially fond of horses. Mercury is
in the 12th house in Sagittarius, sextile to the impulsive Uranus in the 11th
house, friends, which shows a desire for swift action, racing, fast driving, et
cetera. Mars, the ruler of the fifth house, which has rule over pleasures, is
sextile Jupiter. This young man met with accident caused by horses.
We find that at the age of 21 years the
boy's progressed sun and Venus were in conjunction with the radical Mercury and
sextile to Uranus, the progressed Mars having just passed the square to Uranus,
and reached the sextile to Venus, indicating a most pleasurable time with
friends. But the progressed moon was in square aspect to the radical Neptune,
sextile to Mars, and opposition the Midheaven. This brought about an accident,
the young man being thrown from a horse. From this he never recovered, the lower
limbs becoming paralyzed as a result. He was rarely free from pain, and in 1916
the doctors removed part of the femur of the right leg, for the

Birth Chart No. 15A
fall had bruised the bone and it had rotted.
We find Saturn in the 8th house in Cancer
square to Jupiter, which is the ruler of the Ascendant. The moon is in its
exaltation sign of Taurus, ruling the palate, and in the fifth house, hence
there was a desire for drink. >From the indications in the 11th house,
friends, he was wined and dined until he had his body over charged with ash. Now
when this is the case and the boy is unable to take care of the excess of rich
food, the toxic products settle in the weakest place. With Jupiter afflicted in
Libra, which has rule over the kidneys, these organs were overworked and not
able to eliminate the toxins and poisonous matter. The bruised femur naturally
was the point which attracted this toxic poison, and decomposition necessarily
took place.
After a number of operations the native
passed out in June, 1918, when the progressed sun was nearing a conjunction with
the Ascendant and the progressed moon was in Cancer in conjunction with Saturn
in the 8th house, death; also the progressed Mars was then within one degree of
an opposition to Saturn.
Now had this young man been in touch with a
physician who could have properly adjusted the misplaced femur and who would
have placed him on a strict vegetarian diet, eliminating all meats and highly
seasoned food in order to keep the blood pure, there would have been great
possibilities that the life might have been prolonged and that he would not have
become paralyzed. But unfortunately he was in a small town in far-off New
Zealand where proper aid could not be obtained. The dislocated and bruised bone
was neglected, and the diet was largely composed of flesh foods as vegetables
were very scarce there at that time.
Female, Born December 4th, 1899, at 8 P.M.
This young woman has the watery
sign of Cancer on the Ascendant, with the sun in the common sign of Sagittarius.
It is the rule when looking for physical
ailments to take the ruler of the 6th house, which rules sickness, and find the
position of this planet and its aspects. In this horoscope we find 28 degrees of
Sagittarius on the cusp of the 6th house, but the influences of this sign is
almost spent before reaching this house. We therefore consider Capricorn, the
sign on the 7th house, with 28 degrees on the cusp. The greater part of this
sign is thus thrown into the 6th house; therefore we may consider Saturn as
having rule over the house of sickness.
We find this disturbing and crystallizing
planet in 24-37 Sagittarius in conjunction with the inflammatory Mars and in
opposition to Neptune and the Dragon's Tail. We are told on page
566 of The Message of the Stars
that Neptune rules the spinal gas, or spinal fluid as the doctors call it. We
find Neptune in conjunction with the Dragon's Tail in the sign of Gemini, which
has rule over the arms and the region of the 6th and 7th cervical and the 1st,
2nd, and 3rd dorsal vertebrae. We find Mars and Saturn in the region of the
lower end of the spine, the sacral or Sagittarian region. Saturn when afflicted
by Neptune gives very deep-seated disease, that which is difficult to
understand. Saturn when afflicted also dries up the synovial fluid of the joints
wherever he may be posited. When in conjunction with Mars in the sacral region
we may expect trouble, for Mars is hot

Birth Chart No. 15B
and inflammatory and Saturn is cold and moist, with a
restricting influence.
We also find Uranus, the sun, and Mercury in
conjunction and parallel in this same part of the body, namely the sacral or
Sagittarian region. Wherever we find two hot, fiery planets such as the sun and
Mars, we may expect that much of the heat and vitality of the body will be
brought to this region, and when the restricting influence of Saturn is opposed
to the abnormal and ossifying influence of an afflicted Neptune in the opposite
region, namely the upper end of the spinal column, both exerting a harmful
influence, we may liken the spinal fluid of the patient to a stream of water
which has been dammed at both ends. No fresh water is allowed to flow in, and
the old and stagnant water must remain and become polluted. As the greater
number of afflictions are to be found in the sacral region, naturally the
greater amount of impurity is also lodged there.
This young girl developed arthritis of the
hip joints at a very early age, partly on account of the neglect of the parents,
who were very inharmonious. The father was a drunkard and libertine and the
mother careless and neglectful of her home duties, spending most of her time
away from home and leaving three little girls to shift for themselves. It was
never definitely known whether the beginning of this disease was due to an
accident; but the stars indicate a fall, which no doubt bruised the hip bone or
the sacral bones and was probably the first cause of the disease. Gradually the
right leg atrophied, and the spine became bent.
In 1917 this girl called on Headquarters for
the healing of her hand injured in an accident. Here we may again note the
influence of Mars and Saturn in conjunction, which had their effect in the
opposite sign, Gemini, and caused the breaking of one of the fingers. The bone
became affected, and the doctors were unable to do anything to heal it. With the
help of the Invisible Helpers, however, and a strict vegetarian diet she
recovered. But the native has inherited tainted blood from the father, in
conjunction with Saturn and in opposition to Neptune, which would indicate the
affliction of the father, namely, the dread disease gonorrhea. Parents with this
disease frequently attract souls for rebirth who must needs suffer from spinal
diseases, blindness, etc. "The mills of God grind slowly, but they grind
exceeding small."
NO. 15C
Male, born January 9, 1898, 8:00 A.M.
This lesson is based on the
horoscope of a man who has the fixed sign of Aquarius on the Ascendant, and
fixed signs on all the angles indicating a nature that has the will strongly
developed, and with the sun in the Saturnian sign of Capricorn there is
indication that he has great persistence in resisting disease.
How well he has succeeded in his fight is
shown by the aspect between the sun and Mars, which often shows the extent of
the damage which may have been done to the physical body. Any aspect between
Mars and the sun, even though it be a square or an opposition, is better than no
aspect. Strong signs on the angles and the sun in a determined sign is an
indication of power to overcome physical restrictions. But in this case the sun
is void of aspects to Mars showing that the disease has mastery over the man.
Mars, which is exalted in Capricorn, is in
conjunction with Venus, square to Jupiter, and elevated in the 11th house,
indicating liability to accidents. Mars in the 11th house also shows that
friends would be responsible for leading him into danger.
We find a very prominent Uranus in this
horoscope, which is near the cusp of the Midheaven, in conjunction with Saturn,
sextile to Jupiter, and trine the moon, indicating one who wishes to shine, to
be a good fellow among his friends; also one who would go to extremes in
entertaining them. Uranus in Sagittarius shows impulse which finds expression
through sports,

Birth Chart No. 15C
particularly in connection with four-footed animals.
Saturn rules the bones.
In 1917 the progressed Mars had reached a
conjunction and a parallel of the radical sun, which is in 19-21 of Capricorn in
the 12th house, the house of self-undoing. At the same time the progressed Venus
was in parallel to the radical Saturn and Uranus. This indicates that during the
year 1917, while with friends and horses this man sustained an injury to one of
the bones of the leg, which although at the time seemed but a bad bruise,
nevertheless was a deep-seated injury. We will see now how clearly and precisely
the clock of destiny registers events. On December 3, 1918, there was an eclipse
of the sun in 10-31 of Sagittarius, conjunction with this man's radical Saturn.
The effect of an eclipse lasts during all the year which follows. In 1919 we
find the progressed sun conjunction the Ascendant, progressed Venus opposition
to the radical moon, and the progressed Mars conjunction the radical sun. We
have here three afflictions during the year following the eclipse, and when the
transiting moon on June 5, 1919, fell in square to the place of the eclipse at
the same time making a square to the radical Uranus and Saturn, the young man
was taken with severe pains in the right ankle, followed by chills and fever.
From that time the leg began to swell and a large abscess formed, which was
lanced by the doctor. As soon as one abscess healed another would form and in
eight months he had been operated on for abscesses at least ten times. By 1920
pus began to run from small holes in the ankle and the doctors diagnosed the
disease as "osteomyelitis."
On April 26th, 1924, this man again entered
the hospital for an operation, and at this time small pieces of bone were
chipped away for seven inches up the leg.
In August 1924, when he called upon
Headquarters for healing he was returning to the hospital for another operation.
It is unfortunate that many doctors do not
realize that operations or removals of parts of the body will never permanently
cure so long as the patient is not put on a proper diet.
The writer visited a friend in a hospital a
short time ago who was severely injured in an automobile accident. While she was
strictly a vegetarian and disliked meat, the doctors compelled her to eat
plentifully of meats and broths while her wounds were healing.
In the horoscope of this young man under
consideration we find Venus conjunction Mars in a Saturnian sign, and square to
Jupiter. Venus and Mars are the rulers of the 4th and 10th houses indicating the
parents, from whom he had inherited scrofulous blood. So we may realize that no
matter how many bones the doctors may remove from his limb the real disease
which is in the blood, can only be cured by the strictest vegetarian or fruit
Male, born April 27, 1868, 6:37 P.M.
In the horoscope before us we
consider first the mental qualities as shown in particular by Mercury and the
moon. Mercury has three aspects, the conjunction with its higher octave Neptune,
which occurs in Aries the sign of the head, a sextile to Venus in the Mercurial
sign Gemini, and a square to the moon in Cancer. We also note that Mercury goes
before the sun. This shows a kindly disposition and fairly good reasoning
ability, though the native will not employ the ordinary processes of reasoning,
but will use the Neptunian method in all his mental operations.
The moon in the ninth house in the psychic
sign Cancer, its home sign, and in conjunction with Uranus gives marked
intuition. Saturn in Sagittarius, the 9th house sign, trine to Jupiter, the
ruler of Sagittarius, will help to bring order into the native's thoughts, with
the result that he will be much more balanced than inspirational people usually
are. Nevertheless he will always stand out from the crowd for he is marked as a
dreamer. Uranus and the moon conjoined in the 9th house, the house of the higher
mind, will overrule everything else. But the other configurations bearing

Birth Chart No. 16A
upon this matter save him from becoming foolish and a
butt for jokes.
With respect to his health, we note first
that the ruler of Aries is near the cusp of the 6th house in conjunction with
Neptune. Neptune makes a conjunction with Mercury, which will make this man very
sensitive and irritable, offsetting in that respect at times what we said
concerning the kindly disposition denoted by Mercury sextile to Venus. The Moon
and Uranus in Cancer, the sign which governs the stomach, shows that it will be
very difficult to please him with respect to food, and the square of Mars to
this configuration shows that he is likely to have gastric trouble when the
resistance of the system in broken down. Strong drink will be craved, and if
this desire is indulged, the psychic experiences of delirium are inevitable.
Spirit controls are very apt to take
possession of the body of such a person even apart from drink because the square
of the moon and Uranus to Neptune and Mars favors such a condition, and
temporary insanity at least is liable to occur.
Part of these statements have already been
realized, for this patient has applied to Headquarters for relief from unwelcome
attention of spirits which he had attracted at spiritualistic seances. He
rebelled very much against the diet which was prescribed for him and could not
be made to keep up the weekly letters. There is considerable hope, however, from
the sun sextile to the moon and Uranus that the Ego will ultimately free itself
from outside influences, though this will naturally cause the native a great
deal more trouble than if he had remained on the healing list until cured
instead of doing as he has done and as so many do.
The moment such people feel the slightest
relief they think there is no need for further help from others. That is not a
bad attitude to take because upon the Path of Attainment it is continually held
up as an ideal that "if thou art Christ, help thyself." There are too
many leaners who do not wish to bear their responsibility, who shirk it whenever
they can, who are always applying for help whenever they have even a toothache;
some have even telegraphed because of a headache and other ridiculously small
ailments. Therefore it is always best to encourage patients to help themselves
as soon as it is possible, for in that way they gain spiritually even if
physically their progress is more slow.
In a case of this nature the simplest diet
should be prescribed in order to soothe the nerves: lettuce if it is at all
obtainable, and onions in the evening in any case. Such a diet, and exercises to
limber up the spine, particularly in the lumbar region where Saturn in
Sagittarius has a grip on the sciatic nerves, will in time restore such a
patient to health provided he avoids liquor and stays away from spiritualistic
Female, born August 17, 1881, at 9 A.M.
This horoscope is that of a woman
who has the sign of Libra on the Ascendant, with cardinal signs on all four
angles. The sun in the positive and fixed sign of Leo indicates that she will
have determination well developed. This determination, however, may be expressed
in he form of stubbornness, for Mercury is in Leo in the 10th house, square
Saturn and Neptune, these last two planets being in the fixed and stubborn sign
of Taurus. the squares of the above three planets, Saturn, Neptune, and Mercury,
are from the natural Capricorn or Saturnian 10th house, which is a dominant
position, to the 8th house, which is the natural Scorpio or Mars house; so we
may expect that this woman will be very fixed in nature and determined to follow
her own inclinations.
Her ideals or desires should have been
expressed through Venus in Cancer, conjunction the Midheaven. Venus is sextile
to Saturn, Neptune, and Uranus and parallel to the moon and Mars. This gives
talent for art or music, also a love for dress and display, and Venus being
ruler of the Ascendant, it should also give a sweet personality coupled with
beauty of face and figure. According to the diagnosis of psycho-analysis this
woman during the years of adolescence, when the life forces were welling up and
the latent talents were seeking a means of expression, which would naturally be
through art and music, was not finding her field. Her ideals were crushed as a
result, and the spirit felt cramped and restrained.

Birth Chart No. 16B
We may here see that Saturn, the ruler of
the 4th house, indicating the mother, is restraining Neptune, the ruler of the
6th house, which indicates the service to be rendered. Mercury in the 10th, the
house of the profession, is squaring Saturn and Neptune. We have here the proof
that the mother was not in sympathy with this woman's choice of a profession,
and forced her to express herself through channels where the spirit felt cramped
and the artistic instincts were held in check. In the case of a weak and
negative personality this sometimes works to advantage and the person does not
feel the restraint. But with a fixed and positive nature such as we have in this
horoscope, with five planets in fixed signs and cardinal signs on the four
angles, the case is different; when a woman of this type has her ideals
shattered, she finds it most difficult to adjust herself to the will of others.
The impulses thus restrained most frequently find an expression in some other
In this case we find Neptune and Saturn
trine Uranus; the psychic side must then be the means of giving this soul relief
from its pent-up feelings. Uranus is square Mars, and the moon is conjunction
and parallel Mars. These afflictions together with those of Saturn, Neptune, and
Mercury gave this woman a negative development. Mediumship was most attractive
to her. For a short time she had the greatest joy for she developed very
rapidly, which we may see from Neptune trine Uranus, indicating psychism. But
had this poor soul had a knowledge of astrology and could she have seen the
danger signals in the planets she would not have meddled with the negative phase
of spiritual development. She would not have forced her development as we have
found that she did. Being a positive character the Invisible Helpers were able
with her assistance to relieve her in a short time of a very bad case of
obsession, which she had developed through the practice of mediumship.
The advice given to this woman through
Headquarters was to eat lightly of food consisting mainly of vegetables and
fruits, eliminating heavy proteins and starches, and to keep her mind and body
active, not forgetting to pray, for prayer is a wonderful help and a protection
against adverse psychism.
We also find in this horoscope a very
helpful lesson relative to trouble with the throat. We find Neptune and Saturn
in conjunction in Taurus, which rules the throat and larynx, square to Mercury
in Leo; also Jupiter in Taurus is square to the sun in Leo, indicating that the
circulation of the throat would be impaired at some time. Whenever we find
Saturn and Neptune in conjunction there is some difficulty in the development of
the corresponding organ. This woman developed a very bad case of tonsillitis,
and submitted herself to an operation in which the tonsils were removed.
We will use a flat figure in both
the following cases as the hour of birth is not known. This will not interfere
with the diagnosis of disease, but knowledge of the rising sign is necessary,
however, in determining the will of the patient. When the patient is facing a
crisis it is well to know the exact time of birth in order to calculate the
place of the moon and its relation to the transiting planets. These planets act
as the minute hand of the planetary clock. They determine by their aspects to
the radical and progressed planets whether the disease has reached a critical
point. Especially do the new and full moons mark the time when changes may be
NO. 17A
Female, born April 25, 1877.
We are told in The
Message of the Stars that Neptune is the higher octave of Mercury, and
has rule over the pineal gland, while Mercury rules the thyroid. In this
horoscope we find Venus, which rules the venous circulation, in its own sign of
Taurus, ruler of the throat, in conjunction with Neptune and the sun, also
square to Mars in the sign of Aquarius. Neptune when afflicted by Saturn as in
the second horoscope, 17B, causes

Birth Chart No. 17A
atrophy or an undersized organ in whatever part of the
body he may be found by sign. If in Leo, he may cause one valve of the heart to
be smaller than the others, producing irregularity of circulation. In this
horoscope, however, we find Neptune between Venus and the sun, which gives bulk,
The sun brings heat and a large supply of blood to that part of the body in
which it is placed by sign. In this case the throat is the part receiving the
greatest flow of blood. When Mars is square to the sun or Venus we may find the
corresponding organ enlarged abnormally. Mercury, the plant which rules the
thyroid gland, is in Taurus, square to Uranus in the fixed sign of Leo. Uranus
in this sign also has a tendency to enlarge the organ affected by it. Jupiter,
which rules the arterial circulation, is square to the moon.
This woman suffered from an enlarged
thyroid gland, which reached such a size that it interfered with the circulation
and caused poor heart action.
NO. 17B
Male, born September 26 1863.
Venus is in conjunction with the sun, Mars,
and Saturn, these four planets being in the sign of Libra and all in opposition
to Neptune. This

Birth Chart No. 17B
configuration, particularly the obstructing influence of
Saturn, caused a disturbance in the thyroid gland, which, however, was not
enlarged as in the previous case, but its functions and circulation were
interfered with. This caused the man to suffer from weakened memory, deranged
kidneys, and enlargement of the prostate gland.
What could be advised in order to help
these patients? might be asked. In the case of the woman of the first horoscope,
where an excess of blood is found in the throat and both Jupiter and Venus are
afflicted, causing poor arterial and venous circulation, we would advise a brisk
rubbing of the lower limbs with a pair of bath gloves, also hot foot baths to
cause the blood to circulate more freely to the lower part of the body thereby
taking the pressure away from the throat. We would also decrease the amount of
food which makes for flesh, such as white bread, pastries, sugar, and the like.
In the second horoscope we find the moon in Pisces, a watery sign, which gives a
craving for liquids. It is square to Uranus. This together with the conjunction
of Venus with Mars, sun, and Saturn indicates that the lower nature, especially
sex, has been the native's undoing. We would advise elimination of highly
seasoned foods, liquor, tobacco, and meat, and that he live a simple life with
plenty of outdoor exercise.
Male, born August 16, 1918, 1:45 A.M.
This is the horoscope of a young
boy who has the watery and cardinal sign of Cancer on the Ascendant. People with
cardinal signs on the Ascendant are more tense, or we may call it more
high-strung and sensitive than others. They feel more keenly. Not alone are
their feelings more quickly hurt, but their bodies are more sensitive to pain,
and heir suffering is more intense.
This boy has the magnanimous and jovial
Jupiter in conjunction with the Ascendant. Jupiter is parallel to the moon,
which is the ruler of the Ascendant, and Jupiter and the moon are in mutual
exception. The suave and loving Venus is in the first house, which will give the
native a beautiful form and face and a most lovable and attractive personality.
At the age of about twenty months he was
taken ill with meningitis, which is an inflammation of the membranes enveloping
the brain and spinal cord. He recovered from this illness, but his head began to
enlarge, and he lost his sense of hearing. The enlargement of the head became so
pronounced that it necessitated operations. At two periods a little past the age
of three years (we judge the first to have been about when the progressed moon
reached 27 degrees of Capricorn, which brought it to the opposition of Venus, or
two months later when it reached the square of Mars) two operations were
performed. A small piece of bone was removed from each temple, making an opening
into the brain. This caused water to gush out of the brain, and seemed to
relieve the child for a time; but later it was necessary to

Birth Chart No. 17C
relieve the back of the head by two operations just
behind the ears, one on each side of the head. We are unable to give the exact
dates of these operations. We believe, however, that the moon's aspects
registered them. We find that about twenty-five months after the first operation
the moon was in opposition to Saturn, which registered another disturbance that
we feel probably marked the time of the operation on the back of the head.
The parents brought this boy from the
middle West to Los Angeles and placed him in charge of a noted osteopathic
physician, who superintended the operations and treated him with the scientific
manipulations of the modern and excellent method of healing, osteopathy. The
parents also placed the child on our healing list with the hope that he might
regain his sense of hearing, which he lost at about the age of one and one-half
years. The writer was not made familiar with the past of the boy until after she
had diagnosed the case to a friend, so we will see how closely the planets tally
with the case.
Venus, which has rule over the thymus
gland, is strong in the first house and is afflicted by the square of Mars. Mars
is close to the cusp of its own sign Scorpio. Mars indicates injuries. Scorpio
is the sign which has rule over the physician. The birth of this boy was a very
labored one. The life of the mother as well as that of the boy was despaired of.
The present-day physician does not allow the birth to be a natural one if it
takes too much of his time, for he is too busy and must hurry back to his office
to see his other patients. Consequently a large proportion of births are hurried
through the use of instruments. In this case the forced birth caused an injury
to certain nerves and to the innominate blood vessels which carry the blood
through the thymus gland to the brain. With Saturn in conjunction with the sun
in Leo, which has rule over the spinal cord, and both in opposition to Uranus
the spinal fluid was restricted and sluggish. Uranus, which is the higher octave
of Venus, has rule over the pituitary body. This body is connected directly with
the outer sheath of the spinal cord, the dura mater Uranus being afflicted by
the sun and Saturn has interfered much with the functions of the spinal fluids.
The thymus gland in a small child regulates
the blood flow to and from the brain through the innominate artery and vein. At
birth the neck of this child was in some manner injured, causing restriction of
the flow of the blood. The circulation being restricted, the head consequently
filled with water. The most interesting proof of this is that at the removal of
the pieces of bone from the temples, also from the back of the head, there was
no red blood in the wounds, at which the doctors marveled. The osteopathic
physician had been very active in his manipulations and treatments of the thymus
gland and the spinal column, showing that his diagnosis tallied with ours.
The boy is seemingly in good health but has
lost his hearing. There is some hope that this may be regained. When he reaches
puberty and the thyroid gland takes up the work of the thymus gland, the nerves
and the blood vessels which serve the ear may be stimulated, and through the aid
of the Invisible Helpers the hearing may be regained. There is, however, some
danger that the operations which were performed on the back of the head may have
permanently injured the nerves, which would affect the hearing.
Female, born November 27th, 1905, 1:15 P.M.
This young woman has the watery
and negative sign of Pisces on the Ascendant, and Jupiter, the ruler, retrograde
in Gemini in the third house in opposition to the life-giving sun. This to begin
with is a much hampered and restricted ruler, and is an indication that this
soul has in its former lives contracted debts of destiny which have matured and
await their payment in this life; for if the life ruler is afflicted by the most
powerful planet, namely the sun, also the square of Saturn and the parallel of
Mars, and is receiving little help, having only one helpful aspect, the trine of
Mars from the twelfth house, then we may take it that this person will have her
debts to pay in this life, and there will be no freedom until they are
We find a very well-aspected Mercury in the
10th house, in conjunction with the moon, the Midheaven, and Uranus, and sextile
to Saturn. The moon, which has partial rule over the mind, is in conjunction
with the Midheaven, giving the native a quick, keen mind. From a mental
standpoint this girl should be able to accomplish anything upon which she sets
her mind, and one wonders why such a mind is seemingly not accomplishing
anything. What is the cause?
We find common signs on all the four
angles; the life ruler, Jupiter, is retrograde in the common sign of Gemini,
which is the sign of its fall, and the sun also is in a common sign. These are
indications that this soul is satisfied to drift with the tide. Whatever headway
she makes in this life will be through the prodding influence of the father,
signified by the tenth house.

Birth Chart No. 17D
Jupiter has rule over the arterial
circulation. His afflictions tend to restrict the free flow of the blood stream.
Jupiter also has rule over the adrenals, the two tiny ductless glands which are
over the kidneys. These two organs, like the thyroid gland, help to take care of
the blood. As it passes through them, it receives its supply of adrenal
secretion. This secretion gives energy to the body and causes the fluids to flow
more freely. The adrenals are the organs which stimulate the body. When we find
Jupiter, which has rule over these organs, as the life ruler and so severely
afflicted, we may expect the patient to be lacking in energy, a negative and
ambitionless person.
Neptune, which is the higher octave of
Mercury, works upon the nervous system, and rules the pineal gland and the
spinal canal. It is retrograde and in opposition to the spasmodic and erratic
Uranus, the planet which rules the pituitary body. Therefore we may look for a
general derangement of the ductless glands. We find a disturbance of the
adrenals, which are excited by the emotions, causing an uneven flow of their
secretions, sometimes resulting in convulsions or the opposite, coma, according
to the character of the uncontrolled emotions of the patient.
This girl is the daughter of a wealthy
father and a most self-willed and selfish mother, who is addicted to the use of
cigarettes and liquor. While the mother was pregnant with this child, at times
when she saw her husband coming from his place of business she would throw
herself into a fit in order to work on his sympathy. In this manner she would
get all her selfish wants supplied. We are told in he Rosicrucian teachings that
the Ego is attracted to a parent through whom it may receive its lessons, and it
may well be said that this girl found in her mother one who could bring to her
many sad lessons.
If the girl is crossed she quickly flies
into a rage which ends in a fit very similar to epilepsy. However, she does not
froth at the mouth, neither do her jaws set, as is sometimes the case in the
above disease. Temper causes the adrenal fluid to flow too rapidly into the
blood. Excess of this fluid causes jealousy and envy.
We find two different conditions expressed
in the spells under which this girl labors. Jupiter is in opposition to the sun,
and parallel to Mars, which causes at times an excess of secretions, giving rise
to the condition already mentioned. At other time she will swoon away, being
perfectly lifeless and rigid. This last condition is brought on when the
adrenals stop sending their fluid into the blood, indicated by Saturn square to
Jupiter. When under the first mentioned condition she has all the appearance of
one who is obsessed and becomes very cruel to those about her. This is also
shown in the horoscope by the opposition of Neptune to Uranus.
The father has spent a fortune trying first
one doctor and then another, but to no avail. The girl is quite normal when not
laboring under the influence of these spells. She, like her mother, also throws
herself into them in order to work upon the sympathy of her mother, sisters, and
The latest diagnosis of the doctors is that
a tumor is growing in the brain near the cerebellum, and both the girl and her
mother wish her to have an operation, while the father is bitterly opposed to
it. What the outcome will be remains to be seen. Should she submit to the knife,
as she is determined to do, she may spend the remainder of her life in an
institution as a mental patient.
Male, born May 11, 1913, 6:59 A.M.
A child is the subject of this
reading, who was about fifteen months old at the time the reading was originally
made. Ordinarily it might seem superfluous to judge the character and mentality
of one so young. Nevertheless, when we consider the body from a spiritual
standpoint as the temple of an indwelling divine spirit, it will be seen that
the builder and architect of that temple must be taken into consideration from
the very first breath until the time when the silver cord snaps.
The mercurial sign Gemini is rising, but
there is not the ordinary Gemini nature, for Saturn in Gemini puts his
obstructive hand upon this child and will give a tendency to melancholy and a
retiring disposition, a desire to get away from society.
Mercury and Venus in Aries, square to the
moon and Neptune, give a tendency to secretiveness, but the sextile of Saturn to
Mars and Saturn's trine to Uranus make the mind idealistic and energetic. Thus
on the whole there is good material for the parents to work upon. They should by
all means discourage the tendency to secretiveness, encourage idealism, and make
the youngster play with his companions. It looks very much as though

Birth Chart No. 18A
he might be too much taken with himself, and from the
very earliest childhood he should be taught to go among people. He should never
be allowed to go out by himself more than can possibly be helped.
Usually children of this age sleep largely
from morning till night and from night till morning; as soon as they have
received food they go out into dreamland that assimilation may be carried on
better. But this is not the case with our little subject; sleeplessness,
restlessness, and nervousness are the results of the opposition of the moon and
Neptune to Jupiter and the square of these three planets to Mercury and Venus
posited in Aries, the sign governing the head. Thus the whole nature is aquiver,
the child cannot get the needed rest, hence it is sick.
The main trouble comes from the fact that
the moon is conjunct Neptune. This interferes with the distribution of the fluid
indispensable to assimilation, the lymph. Jupiter is afflicted by these two
planets, and he governs assimilation. On account of these two facts the child
will not grow as fast as he might other wise. He has peculiar notions about his
food, and these ideas will grow as he grows. This tendency is one of the things
that must be dealt with firmly, for the square of the moon to Venus gives
abnormal cravings, the moon and Neptune in Cancer will cause the child to long
for something that he never finds, and this might lead to the formation of
habits that would be extremely dangerous. No matter how he may protest and
though it may seem that ordinary foods do not agree with him, he should be
taught to eat everything of a good and healthful nature that comes on the table,
for the formation of a healthy appetite will counteract the strange tendency
that is dormant in his nature. Sweets in moderation will help.
The circulation is interfered with by the
affliction of Neptune and the moon to Venus and Jupiter. Saturn and Uranus are
strongly configurated by trine and parallel from airy signs; this further reacts
upon the circulation and makes it spasmodic. The heart has a tendency to flutter
on account of the presence of Uranus in Aquarius. Thus the poor little child is
considerably afflicted to start with. Nevertheless there is no need of worry,
for the sun is trine to Jupiter and sextile to the moon and Neptune. The fact
also that it is in the marvelously vital sign of Taurus will operate to preserve
life, and even Saturn on the Ascendant gives persistence, resistance to disease,
and tenacity of life.
There will be crises in the life, however,
which knowledge of the foregoing will make it more easy for the parents to
prepare for. The most severe one will come at the time of puberty. Then the
progressed moon will be working in the 8th house, the house of death, and in
opposition to its own place, configurated with Neptune and square to Mercury and
Venus. This is a serious position but not all to be feared on account of the
fact that the sun is so strong in the horoscope. Moreover the trine of Saturn
and Uranus and the sextile of Saturn and Mars give a wonderful elasticity and
energy to the nature so that no matter though the boy be brought near the grave,
he will have the resilience to recuperate with astonishing rapidity.
At the present time it should be
investigated as to whether the mother is nursing the child, and whether she has
felt nervous and run down. If so, the child should at once be put upon a diet of
goat's milk, which will give the needed ether to compensate for the lack of
lymph, and though the child may not like the diet, he will grow accustomed to
Male, born June 3, 1865, at 3:00 A.M.
We have here the horoscope of a
man with the fixed sign of Taurus on the Ascendant, and the ruler, Venus,
posited just above the Ascendant in Taurus and in the 12th house. Venus is
making but two major aspects, a conjunction with the Ascendant, and a square to
the inflammatory Mars, which is in the fixed sign of Leo and in the 4th house.
The sign of Taurus rules the neck, throat,
lower jaw, larynx, and tonsils, and its opposite signs, Scorpio, rules the
rectum, descending colon, urethra, and also the nose. These signs of Scorpio and
Taurus are the most vital signs of the twelve. Mark the strange coincidence
which lies in the fact that Taurus rules the greater part of the lower head and
neck, and the organs adjacent to the upper end of the spinal column, while
Scorpio slips in with its influence by ruling the nose in addition to the organs

Birth Chart No. 18B
near the lower end of the spinal column. Leo, the sign
which squares Taurus and Scorpio, rules the river of life, the spinal
fluid, which connects the organs ruled by Taurus and Scorpio.
Now in the horoscope under consideration we
find the inflammatory Mars in Leo, square to Venus in Taurus. Venus, being at
home in this sign, naturally attracts to herself the inflammatory influence of
Mars whenever Mars is found either in Taurus or afflicting her in that sign.
Then we may look for inflammatory troubles in the nose, generative organs, or
rectum. We may also look for the polypus which is a small growth peduncular in
shape that grows from the mucous membrane of the nose, and which often closes
the nasal passages, causing difficulty in breathing. It sometimes also grows
within the vagina or rectum. The habit of mouth breathing in children often lays
the foundation for these growths in the nose when planetary afflictions are
present in the horoscope. The mucous membrane of the nose is then abnormally
sensitive and subject to irritation, which may result in these polypi,
frequently causing hay fever or asthma.
The patient whose horoscope we are
considering suffered with these growths in both nasal passages, making it
necessary that he breathe entirely through the mouth. The moon is in 4 degrees
and 19 minutes of Libra in the 6th house, which is the house of health. The moon
is the natural ruler of Cancer, the sign ruling the stomach. At the age of
twenty-eight, when the moon by progression had reached its place at birth, this
man became seriously ill with painter's colic, which later resulted in permanent
injury to the kidneys. The latter is due to the moon and Saturn in Libra, which
sign has rule over the kidneys. This general break in the health increased the
small growths in the nose, which resulted in an operation when the moon
progressed into Scorpio and was in opposition to Venus.
By eliminating meat, tobacco, liquor, and
all condiments and living as near as possible to nature's laws, this man is
again enjoying good health.
Female, born July 13, 1871, 5:30 A.M.
Leo, a fiery sign, here in on the
Ascendant with the life ruler, the sun, in the 12th house in Cancer in
conjunction with Mercury and Uranus and square to Neptune. We know from our
reading of The Message of the Stars
that Cancer rules the stomach, in which the greater amount of food must be
digested. This organ is the central supply station through which the body
receives its sustenance. Cancer also rules the esophagus, the tube between the
pharynx and the stomach, and the thoracic duct, the principal duct which carries
the lymph of the body.
We note in this horoscope Uranus afflicted
by a square of Neptune from the Midheaven and the sign Aries. With Mercury and
the sun also in conjunction with Uranus and square to Neptune, we may expect an
abnormal or a radical mind. When an idea is formed it is carried to an extreme.
This woman could find no limit in anything, and we find this tendency indicated
regarding food. With the sign of Cancer on the cusp of the 12th house, the

Birth Chart No. 18C
house of self-undoing and limitations, and with the
above afflictions of Uranus, Mercury, and the sun we may expect great impulse
and a decided tendency to overeat.
The planets in the 12th and 6th houses when
afflicted are the most detrimental to health, and in this horoscope we may look
to the stomach as being the seat of the trouble. Let us find the reason for this
The moon which is the ruler of the 12th
house is in the house of friends, the 11th, and square to Venus in the 2nd in
the 6th house sign, Virgo, ruling labor and sickness. This plainly shows us that
this woman was most hospitable, loved to entertain her friends, was happy when
she could regale them, and as indicated went to extremes in this direction.
Venus square moon indicates an abnormal desire for pastry and sugar; it
indicates one who having eaten a heavy meal, richly prepared, would indulge in
chocolate creams and various other ash producing dainties. This is one of the
types of women whom we often meet, whose greatest pride is in cooking and who
are never so happy as when they are entertaining at a sumptuously prepared
table. Cancer people are good cooks and usually take great pride in catering to
the needs of the stomach.
In this horoscope we find Saturn, the
planet of obstruction, in its own sign Capricorn and in the 6th house, health.
Saturn is in opposition to Jupiter in the sign of the stomach and in the 12th
house. Planets and their afflictions often show their effect in opposite signs,
and when Saturn is in Capricorn we usually expect some derangement of the
stomach, for his effects there are very similar to those of Saturn in Cancer.
With Jupiter ruling the arterial circulation, afflicted by Saturn, we may expect
trouble with the circulatory system of the stomach. And with the spasmodic
Uranus in conjunction with mercury, the nerves are also sensitive and nervous
indigestion is indicated.
Now, when Saturn afflicts the stomach,
there is a lack of pepsin and stomach fluids wherewith to digest the food.
Saturn in Cancer or Capricorn gives abnormal appetite and makes one very fond of
pastry, especially of sugar, as does Venus square moon mentioned before. As
vegetarians, such people find it very hard to keep their bodies in good order
for they will usually refuse raw vegetables, preferring the starches and sugars.
As a result the body does not receive the proper amount of mineral elements, and
the blood soon fills with ash. When an overabundance of refuse is stored up in
the blood, the body must seek a means of eliminating the waste matter. If it is
unable to find an outlet through which to throw off the impurities, and if the
bowels also refuse to do their part as is often the case when an overabundance
of food is consumed, then an illness is the result. We frequently find cases of
catarrh, skin disease, ulcers, etc., which are merely an avenue the body uses to
dispose of an excess of ash.
In the case of this woman we find the gums
eliminating pus and receding toward the roots of the teeth. This disease is
commonly called pyorrhea or Riggs' disease and is increasing to an alarming
degree in America. It was rarely heart of fifty years ago, but since there has
developed such a craze for sugar and candy humanity is paying the price.
To overcome this disease a well balanced,
simple, vegetarian diet, free from sugars and starches is advisable, and the
careful cleansing of the gums with lemon water each day.
Male, born November 4th 1882, 11:49 P.M.
This horoscope is that of a man
with the watery sign of Cancer on the Ascendant. In diagnosing it is customary
to look to the sixth house, which has rule over disease, and its ruler for the
key to the trouble. In this horoscope we have the sign of Capricorn on the cusp
of the sixth house, with its ruler, Saturn, in the 10th house in conjunction
with the Dragon's Tail, which is Saturnian in its influence. Saturn is also
conjunction Neptune in Taurus. These are all in opposition to the inflammatory
Mars, which is strong in its home sign Scorpio, having rule over the rectum and
generative organs. This is a most dangerous and subtle affliction, increased by
Neptune parallel the sun in Scorpio, and indicates an unrestrained passional
nature which in childhood found its outlet through the secret habit of
masturbation. This in time depletes the vitality, stunting the mentality, and
also the physical growth, and later in life causes much physical trouble.

Birth Chart No. 18D
Scorpio rules both the rectum and the vital
organs, and when excesses occur they often cause inflammation in the rectum
resulting in intestinal hemorrhoids, interfering with elimination and causing a
general sluggishness of the excretory duet.
We find the spasmodic Uranus in Virgo, the
sign ruling the intestines; it is also the natural sixth house sign and the sign
which rules sickness. Uranus is square to Venus, which rules the venous blood.
Here we have indication of restricted circulation in the small intestine.
Jupiter, the planet of opulence, the planet which wants things in large
quantities, is in Cancer, the sign ruling the stomach, and in the twelfth house,
the house of self-undoing, sextile to the ruler of the Ascendant, the moon,
indicating that this young man has been a very hearty eater, carrying eating to
He dissipated the life forces during the
period of life when he was in greatest need of them, and has also consumed more
food than the organs could digest and distribute. Naturally, when the organs of
elimination refused to work, as might be expected, the blood stream became
charged with ash, causing granulation of the joints through the excessive
clogging generated in the body from too much protein. This also burned up the
natural body oils, causing a granulation of the eyelids, rheumatism, and a
generally weakened condition of the entire system.
Our advice to this patient would be to
eliminate meats and starches, taking very little of the proteins, and to eat
mostly fruits and vegetables; also to live a chaste, clean life. Care should be
taken to have his surroundings clean and to sleep in a room with plenty of fresh
air, for when we find Saturn afflicted by the Dragon's Tail and Neptune in
Taurus, it indicates a tendency to neglect the sanitation of the body and
Male, born August 4, 1862, 11:30 P.M.
Taurus, a fixed and stubborn sign,
is on the Ascendant, with the ruler, Venus, in the watery sign of Cancer, square
to the fiery and impulsive Mars, and parallel to the ruler of Cancer, and watery
moon. Venus is also ruler of the house of sickness, the 6th house. Mars is in
the 12th house in its own sign of Aries.
We may look for the key to the trouble in
the configuration and the positions of the above three planets, Venus, Mars, and
the moon.
The planets that are in a location
corresponding to that part of the body in which the disease is found are not
alone the cause of the disease. If a burglar has entered our home and carried
away our jewels, the first step to be taken to find the culprit is to ascertain
the place of his entrance. So also must we find the gateway or the cause of the
Venus, we know, is the planet ruling
sweets, sugars, etc. Taurus is the sign ruling the throat, the palate; therefore
Taurus has great influence over the appetites. Venus is in Cancer, the sign
ruling the stomach and the thoracic duct, and is afflicted by a square to Mars.
Mars when afflicted by Venus and when in its own sign of Aries causes
dissipation and desire for excesses in eating, especially when Venus is in the
sign of the stomach. Taureans are usually very fond of food things to eat and
drink; they are hearty eaters and are apt to gourmandize. Therefore with the

Birth Chart No. 18E
afflictions this native would eat and drink to excess.
Uranus in Gemini is in a very nervous
position. This excitable, restless, and nervous planet, especially as it is
squared by Saturn and Jupiter from another mercurial sign, Virgo, will have a
strong effect upon the nervous system.
Now, with Venus, which has rule over the
venous blood, afflicted by Mars, and with Jupiter, ruling the arterial blood,
afflicted by the conjunction of Saturn and the square of Uranus, this man has a
very sluggish circulation, especially of the stomach and small intestines. With
both Jupiter and Saturn posited in Virgo, what could be expected but that when
an affliction touches any of these planets sickness would result?
At the age of thirty-nine the native's
progressed sun reached the square to Uranus which brought on nervous trouble. At
the same time the sun was within one degree of a conjunction of Saturn radical.
The sun takes three years to pass a conjunction; one year applying, one year in
conjunction, and another year separating. Therefore, this man passed through a
double affliction at that time, and a severe spell of peritonitis was the
result. He was unable to recover readily from this sickness, since through his
ignorance of the causes he did not stop his heavy indulgence in food and drink.
In 1918, when the progressed moon came to the square of Saturn and Jupiter and
the opposition of Uranus, another illness occurred, which left him with a severe
case of catarrh of the intestines.
If a patient of this type should call upon
a probationer for advice and help, what should he advise? He should first find
the cause, and it is so evident there that excess of food and drink were
responsible that he should advise abstinence from food for a short time,
especially that ruled by Mars, such as highly seasoned articles and condiments.
Liquor and tobacco should be entirely avoided. A strict vegetarian diet should
be advised with plenty of fresh air and sunshine to assist in relaxing the
nerves. Where the Venus and Jupiter circulations are sluggish, a friction bath
would be advisable.
Male, born July 27th, 1856, 5:00 A.M.
As has been often stated in our
astrological books and lessons, man is master of this fate. He has his whole
life before him, either to make or to mar. Here we have a horoscope for
diagnosis that speaks for itself, that of a man who has had everything in his
favor, with but two evil aspects in the entire horoscope; everything else is
good. We find the sun and Venus conjunction in the sign of the heart, Leo, one
of the strongest signs of the entire twelve. Both these planets are sextile to
the moon and trine to Jupiter, Jupiter being near the Midheaven. The mentality
is decidedly strong and keen, especially along metaphysical lines. Neptune is in
its own home (Pisces), sextile to Uranus and trine to Mercury. The moon is also
well aspected and in a mental sign, Gemini. This man ha a wonderful start in
life, and brought over with him from a previous life many fine qualities.
As is often stated in astrological books by
old and reliable writers, Jupiter in the Midheaven brings much good to the
native. And surely this man had many opportunities to succeed. Now why did he
First, we find Saturn in Cancer. As stated
in The Message of the Stars, page
257, this "indicates that the stomach is weak and the gums subject to
pyorrhea. There is inability to properly digest the food." The stomach is
lacking in the fluids necessary to aid digestion. The native is also very
peculiar in his likes and dislikes as to food. This is the key to his bodily
afflictions. We find Saturn making a square to Jupiter, which rules the arterial
blood, and as stated on page 299 of The
Message of the Stars,

Birth Chart No. 18F
under this aspect the native is "indolent and
inclined to drift with the tide; often a ward of society either in the poorhouse
or prison. This aspect also gives a tendency to arterio-sclerosis."
We find the coarse, combative, discordant,
passionate, and hot-tempered Mars in Libra, a Venus sign. When afflicted it
brings out its own lower nature and that of Venus, creating undue attraction to
the opposite sex. As Mars is co-ruler of the 5th house and is making a square to
the impulsive and egotistical Mercury, the native's in harmony and hot temper
have led him to excesses. Instead of expressing the beautiful, artistic, and
musical nature of the sun and Venus conjunction on the Ascendant in Leo trine to
Jupiter, this man has directed an excess of love and vitality in the wrong
direction. He has indulged too freely in rich food, and has expended much of his
energy through the 5th house, pleasures. He has had much in harmony in the home,
caused by himself and his temper. As a result the blood has become vitiated, and
he now is in a very advanced stage of arterio-sclerosis.
In order to find out the time of the
affliction we will go to his forty-fourth year when the progressed moon had
reached the 6th house in the first degrees of Capricorn. It there made an
opposition to Saturn in the 12th house in Cancer, the stomach, and a square to
Jupiter in the Midheaven. At the same time we find Mars progressed has reached
24-51 of Scorpio, making an opposition to Uranus in Taurus. Impulse and excesses
in fast living at that time broke down his system, and since then the man has
been an invalid, perfectly helpless, wheeled in a chair and confined in
hospitals, due to Saturn and Mercury in the 12th house, self-undoing. But he has
always found some kind hearted woman friend to look after his wants. He has been
a very difficult patient; his temper has been dreadful. Through his suffering he
has allowed himself to drift into this state of irascibility. Instead of
responding to the beautiful Venus influence he has given way to Mars square
In order to improve he should have a nurse
with Saturn well aspected, one of an Aquarian nature, cool, calm, and collected,
who could soothe him, quiet his temper, and with great diplomacy lead him into
right living. At present he demands certain food and unless the nurse gives it
to him he has a dreadful spell of temper. This man would have to be loved into
doing things. To make a demand upon him or to tell him he dare not do a certain
thing would only awaken the spirit of opposition in him. Brisk massage with a
pair of rough bath gloves to open the pores of the skin and start the
circulation would be beneficial. Proper food and assistance to control his
temper would in time help him to overcome his condition.
Male, born December 29, 1900, 12:45 A.M.
Four cardinal signs are on the
angles, with Mars trine to the sun and Saturn. These testimonies show the person
to be endowed with good vitality and with an active and ambitious nature. But
the counteracting aspects are also strong. The moon is square to the sun and
Saturn, Mars is square to the ruler, Venus, and the majority of the planets are
under the earth. This takes away from the general resistance of the person. The
opposition of Neptune to Jupiter and Mercury in mental signs, Gemini and
Sagittarius shows that the native is of a very nervous temperament.
Neptune in the 9th house usually gives a
tendency to be a dreamer of dreams, a visionary who grasps at the illusory
things in life rather than those that are near by the tangible. Neptune's
opposition to Mercury, the planet of reason, shows that this would be
particularly accentuated in the present case. The moon in Aries square to the
sun and Saturn would further make the mind flighty and unstable.
Mars in Virgo configurated with Uranus,
whether by good or evil aspects, makes a person liable to intestinal disorders.
Mars is the planet of inflammation and fevers. He causes operations and other
violence. Configurations of Mars with Uranus have been observed to result not
only in typhoid and gastric fevers, but also very often Mars ruptures the
peritoneum and causes the person to have a prominent abdomen. The young man
whose horoscope we are considering had typhoid fever as an initial disease when
the moon passed the conjunction of Mars by progression through the eleventh

Birth Chart No. 18G
house. Later she came to the square of Neptune, Jupiter,
and Mercury. Then the native's spine began to weaken. You will notice that the
opposition of Neptune to Jupiter and Mercury is from Gemini to Sagittarius,
covering the region of the spine. The moon later progressed to the opposition of
her own place at birth, and as the radical moon in Aries has particular dominion
over the cerebellum, which is the organ of coordination of movement, you will
readily understand that this makes it difficult for the patient to walk.
This is a curious case of interlocking
afflictions and good aspects, for you will observe that whenever the two
principal afflicters Mars and the moon, are struck by an adverse aspect there is
always a good set of aspects to minimize the evil effects. Were this not so the
severe afflictions would certainly have done away with this young man long ago.
The square between the moon and Saturn is particularly inimical.
The moon progresses around the horoscope in
twenty-eight years as we measure a day for a year. Saturn in the heavens by
transit actually moves around the circle of the zodiac in about thirty years.
Thus the progressed moon and the transiting Saturn are always bound to follow
each other pretty closely. When they are square at the birth of a person, they
keep that same relationship for a considerable number of years. Thus good
aspects in the horoscope are offset by the fact that the progressed moon is
square to the transiting Saturn, and evil aspects are similarly accentuated by
this unfortunate square. Therefore anybody who has this unfortunate
configuration is certainly under the whiplash of Saturn all his life. Even the
good aspects which we note in this horoscope and which are certainly very strong
are to some degree nullified by the square of Saturn and the moon at birth.
Saturn always indicates that part of our
destiny which has been brought over from previous lives, and is almost
unalterable. Therefore in this case there is unfortunately not much to do. Baths
and massage applied by a healer who has Aquarius rising and whose Saturn is not
in Libra or Pisces would be most helpful.
Female, born April 7, 1880, at 7:00 A.M.
We have here a most interesting
case, that of a woman with the fixed sign of Taurus on the Ascendant, and with
the ruler in the watery sign of Pisces, intercepted in the 11th house, in
conjunction with the watery moon, and square to the fiery and destructive Mars.
Mars is the ruler of the 12th house, the house of confinement, and Venus is the
ruler of the 6th house governing sickness.
About 1904 the patient was operated on and
had one kidney removed. She could not give the exact year, but from planetary
aspects we feel certain it was in 1904, when the progressed sun ha just passed a
conjunction with the radical Neptune near the Ascendant, and the progressed moon
was making a square both to the radical Neptune and the progressed sun. At the
present writing this poor woman, who is forty-four years of age, expects to
become a mother in three months, and is struggling to overcome the dread
narcotic habit, which she has had about six years, also the cigarette habit.
A most interesting principle is brought out
in this horoscope. Neptune in Taurus near the Ascendant is trine to Uranus in
Virgo in the 5th house. These planets are in signs of mutual reception; that is,
Neptune being the higher octave of Mercury is in a Venus sign, Taurus, and
Uranus the higher octave of Venus is in the mercurial sign of Virgo. The trine
of these two mystical planets would indicate the development of the two ductless
glands represented by them, namely the pineal gland by Neptune and the pituitary
body by Uranus. When these two glands are for any reason awakened and the

Birth Chart No. 18H
soul does not respond to the higher life but is inclined
to drift into sensual and worldly channels, their awakening then frequently
leads to the grossest indulgence of the lower nature--sometimes to drink or
narcotics as in the case of this poor woman.
Venus and the moon in conjunction in
Pisces, Venus being the ruler of the 6th house, governing sickness, and Mars the
ruler of the 12th house, governing hospitals, indicate that some one in a
hospital was responsible for her forming the habit of taking narcotics from
which she is suffering and this person we believe to be a doctor friend who
attended her. At the time when she claimed she acquired the habit of using
narcotics we find the progressed Mercury trine to Uranus and the progressed
Venus in conjunction with Neptune. This would have a tendency to awaken the
above mentioned glands and cause a soul hunger, which in this case the woman
mistook for a desire to indulge in soul flights through the use of narcotics
instead of through living the Christ life.
But the struggle now comes to get relief
when she is in a most weakened, despondent, and generally rundown condition from
a spell of influenza complicated by pregnancy, nerves, and insomnia; also the
elimination through the one remaining kidney is now being interfered with by
Saturn conjunction sun in Aries, which is producing an effect in the opposite
sign of Libra.
The one gleam of hope held out through the
planets is the progressed sun within orb of a sextile to the radical Jupiter and
the progressed Mars trine to the radical moon. These aspects are most favorable
for the aid of the Invisible Helpers, who can accomplish much more under
favorable planetary aspects than at other times. Especially is she likely to
receive help because her spirit is most desirous of overcoming, although she is
lacking in faith regarding our method of healing. She was persuaded to call upon
us for help by her own doctor, who had been healed through our Invisible